Virtual Journey to finnish nature.

Petri Kosunen
Petri Kosunen
Total Posts:  66
Joined  05-11-2014
05 November 2014 16:19

I was about to ditch the whole Forum Module from ExpressionEngine and actually did that. But just few days after, i spotted that there is at least something new, and that was fully responsive “theme” for to it. So, it was easy thing, dropping backup sql in place and buying this rock’n roll theme to forums.

I have just installed it today and have to deal with some things that were in place on my older (scaffold-based) forums, but its alive and doing ok, even that its pretty dead forum at the moment. Hopefully this responsive part gives back the blast what we had back in the good’ol days at our end:

So thank you for your work, and was glad to buy this.